Delegation I

Delegation II
Sant' Onofrio

Delegation III
Torquato Tasso

Delegation IV
de Bouillon

Delegation V

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Delegation V

Carlos Chialastri, KHS
Maria Elena Chialastri, KHS
Raul Cairo, KHS
Ana O. Cairo, DHS
Co-Deputy Delegates
Peter Portu, KHS
Liliam Portu, DHS
Co-Deputy Delegates
Reverend Michael Davis, KCHS
Delegation Prior
Deacon Roberto Fleitas, KHS
Delegation Deacon
Deaneries served

"But this the scope was of our former thought, --
Of Sion's fort to scale the noble wall,
The Christian folk from bondage to have brought,
Wherein, alas, they long have lived thrall,
In Palestine an empire to have wrought,
Where godliness might reign perpetual,
And none be left, that pilgrims might denay
To see Christ's tomb, and promised vows to pay."
-- Torquato Tasso (Jerusalem Delivered)